Hi! Tom here from Chartistic, a small family run business that is passionate about creating stunning and unique marine art art out of the coastline and what lies beneath the waves. One of my favourite things to do as a child was to go down to the harbour in Skerries, Co. Dublin with my father on a Saturday to work on the Ros Cathail, the 50 foot trawler he owned with his brother. It was here that I first saw a nautical chart and I have had a fascination with them ever since.
Sketch of Ros Cathail 1996
In my memory, nautical charts not only kept my father safe but they looked beautiful also. My father often used to say to me that we had salt water coursing through our veins! This was much more likely to be true for us than others as we did come from a very long line of sailors and fishermen. As far back as the early 1800s, our ancestors earned their living from the sea as sailors or fishermen and there is even some stories about smuggling! I myself worked as a fisherman for a few years after finishing secondary school before returning to education. These days I still live on the coast and indulge my love for the sea by sailing competitively.
So working with nautical charts and transforming them into works of art is a passion for me and it is gives me the greatest satisfaction to be able to share this passion with others who choose to grace their homes or businesses or other places with a Chartistic 3D nautical chart in wood.